Library Resources

Students studying at the Montreal School of Theology who have an active McGill ID card and are currently McGill students (M. Div. I and II students) have access to all electronic resources (on campus and remotely) and services (including borrowing privileges and Interlibrary Loans) available through McGill Libraries.

M. Div. III students and students who are not registered at McGill (such as those taking certificate/online courses) have different privileges. See below for more information about library access for each of these groups. Please also see our « Other library resources » section for more options for those not registered as McGill students.

M. Div. III Students

Electronic resources at McGill: you can access McGill’s e-journal, e-book and database collection on site with a guest login at a McGill Library. No off-campus access to these resources is available for students without a valid McGill ID Card, however. 

ProQuest e-books: M. Div. III Students have access to a collection of e-books from ProQuest. To find out more, visit the Rev. Dr. Joseph C. McLelland Library at the Presbyterian College.

Borrowing books and other services: As per the « Borrowers from Other Quebec Universities » page, « Faculty members and 3rd year Masters of Divinity students of the Montreal School of Theology who don’t already have a McGill ID may request a McGill Library Borrowing Card on presentation of a letter from the School. » This letter will be presented to you at orientation and  will allow you to borrow books and other physical materials from McGill libraries (including the Birks Reading Room) as well as the Rev. Dr. Joseph C. McLelland Library at the Presbyterian College.

Consultation with a McGill librarian: you can contact a McGill librarian or the Religious Studies Librarian.

Other Library Resources

In addition to the resources mentioned above, you may also have access to other resources, specifically:

  • BANQ : for Québec residents only – find out how to become a member, here (it’s free), and get access to resources like JSTOR and more, from home
  • Alumni resources: access to Library resources for alumni varies by institution. Check with the library at your alma mater to determine eligibility.
  • Public library resources: your local Library may be able to provide access to useful resources such as Interlibrary Loan or electronic resources. Check out their website for more information.
  • Open Access Digital Theological Library: an open access (free)  virtual library for theology, religious studies, and related disciplines, they have over 100,000 e-books and thousands of journals.